14th Conference (2017)
The Institute for Linguistic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint Petersburg, Russia) is pleased to announce the 14th Conference on Typology and Grammar for Young Scholars, which will be held in Saint Petersburg, 23–25 November 2017.
Submissions from young researchers (35 years old and younger) working in any area of linguistic typology, grammar and phonology are welcome.
Invited Speakers
- Søren Wichmann (Leiden University, Leiden), “Subordination and the statistics of implicational hierarchies”
- Nina Dobrushina (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow), “Fear complement clauses in typological perspective”
- Matti Miestamo (Helsinki University, Helsinki), "Negation in languages: Macro- and micro-typological approaches"
Each talk selected for presentation will be allotted 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes of discussion. The official languages of the conference are Russian and English, and abstracts can be written in either language. The deadline for abstract submission is 10 September 2017. Anonymous abstracts in .doc/.docx/.rtf/.pdf format should be sent to the following email address: youngconfspb@gmail.com, with “ABSTRACT” stated as the email subject. Note that the abstract should not exceed 4000 characters, excluding references, otherwise it will be rejected on formal grounds. In the abstract, please define the problem, methods and findings of the research. The following information should be provided in the body of the e-mail:
- title of the abstract (if your abstract is in Russian, please provide English translation),
- author’s or authors’ first and last names (with English transliteration, if necessary), and affiliation(s),
- e-mail address and phone number.
If you use non-standard fonts, please attach them to the e-mail and send an additional copy of your abstract in .pdf format.
One individual may be involved in a maximum of two abstracts (maximum of one as sole author).
The decision of the Organizing Committee on the acceptance/rejection of submissions will be communicated to the authors no later than 1 October 2017.
There is no participation fee.
The Organizing Committee intends to collect articles based on the conference talks and offer them to the Editorial Board of Acta linguistica Petropolitana (http://alp.iling.spb.ru/en/index.html?en) to be published as a section of an issue in 2018 or 2019. The intended deadline for submission of articles is 1 February 2018. The more detailed information will be sent to authors in October 2017.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: 10 September 2017
Notification of acceptance: no later than 1 October 2017
Conference: 23–25 November 2017
Deadline for submission of articles: 1 February 2018
Organizing Committee
Daria Mishchenko, Junior Research Fellow ILS RAS (Chair)
Sergei Klimenko, PhD Student ILS RAS (Vice Chair)
Maksim Fedotov, PhD Student ILS RAS
Anastasia Gorlova, PhD Student ILS RAS
Dmitry Gerasimov, Junior Research Fellow ILS RAS
Maria Kholodilova, Junior Research Fellow ILS RAS
Olga Kuznetsova, Research Fellow ILS RAS
Sofia Oskolskaya, Junior Research Fellow ILS RAS
Sergey Say, Senior Research Fellow ILS RAS
Arseniy Vydrin, Senior Research Fellow ILS RAS
Natalia Zaika, Senior Research Fellow ILS RAS
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